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Garlic scape is the flowering stalk that grows in the middle of hardneck garlic bulbs. It twists and loops and often has a tear-drop shaped white bulb near its end. It's usually removed so that the plant won't produce more seeds and will instead grow a bigger garlic bulb. Scapes are ripe for harvest in the Spring and coil in all kinds of ways resembling a bed of snakes. Scapes sell out quickly and are often pre-sold prior to harvest.

Scapes are delicious, especially when sautéed in butter, oil, and seasoned with a little salt. The flavor is fresh, green, and vegetal and suffused with the taste of young, fresh garlic. The texture is tender yet crisp. They're great as a side dish, steamed, or grilled until tender and served in salads, pasta’s or on meat.

Garlic Plant Scapes

  • Gully Ridge Farms currently offers shipping within a reasonable radius of their operations - all other orders are pickup only.


    *If you would like your order delivered please include your address and postal code in the customizable field on your order. A representative will contact you if you are eligable for shipping of your fresh Ontario garlic.

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